Establishing a connection between the UKU 4G control system and HUUM mobile app

Updated July 14, 2022

Connecting the UKU 4G control system to the network:

  • Sign up

Fill in the required fields and create a user account for the application.

  • Link the control system ID to your user account

The control system ID (1XXXXX) is also the ID of your sauna. The respective code is provided on the sticker that is attached to the top right corner of the main module cover.

  • SIM card is activated after linking the sauna to the user account

SIM card establishes a connection with a mobile data communication network within 30 minutes, and your sauna is connected to the mobile app.

  • Check the performance of the app functions

Try switching some functions on in order to verify that they work properly and are communicated to the sauna (e.g., select different temperature and heating time settings, or switch the sauna heater on and off). For example, the mobile app enables to configure the desired temperature, and to select start and end times for sauna heating. The function should apply within 60 seconds after selecting the respective command from the menu.

  • Annual fee

You can use the mobile app with the UKU 4G control system for free in the first year. After that you need to make the annual payment, which is € 29 per year. Annual fee includes:

  • mobile data communication
  • functions of the mobile app
  • secure server
  • unlimited amount of mobile app users
  • software updates of the mobile app and the controller
  • Annual payments

When the free period ends, you’ll receive a notification on the application. Payments are made through the mobile app with a credit card.

  • Opting out from using the mobile network services of the UKU 4G control system

If you don’t want to use the mobile app after the free period or wish to opt out for any other reason, you don’t have to take any particular steps. We will switch the SIM card off when we don’t receive the payment, and you can continue heating your sauna without the mobile app from the control panel.

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